Been a long day and I'm exhausted so this is gonna be half-assed / sloppy.
While I made a few updates to the site [as promised] I'm also not going to pretend this exhaustion is due to me having no life and spending the entire day updating the website... because I do have (a little bit) of a life and Saturday is the only true day off from my full-time job, so I spent a good part of the day.... resting.
That said, I would like to announce some updates that I made today because I promised everyone that I would and because I'm really making a point to making this website as great as Pregnant Community was in its heyday...
Update #1: The day started off with a bang via a massive increase to the maximum upload file size in the Video Gallery. To make up for the fact that the damn script does not allow me to do a lot of things that we wished it would do, you can now upload videos of up to 200mb in file size. This is where I like to point out (as I've already done too many times) that only allowed a maximum of 25MB FLV videos!
Update #2: You are no longer limited to 256kb pictures within the forum. That is now up to 3mb. In addition, you are no longer limited to 10 pics at a time (in posts) as I have increased that number to 20.
Update #3: Per your requests, the Picture Gallery now displays the 9 most recent videos uploaded and 9 random videos below that. We could increase it further, but want to be mindful of page loading times which can become slow when there are too many images, even if they are only thumbs. But we can test an increase in the near future and see how everyone likes it. I'll also be looking to update the Videos section with a similar increase.
Update #4: Unfortunately, I'm not having much luck with allowing members to create their own albums in the Gallery section, but in the meantime I have added several picture categories including all of the categories that you know from Please note that some of these are sub-categories of the "Other Pregnant" parent category. Also, even though its not looking good on the user-created albums, you ARE allowed to have a "personal album" apparently but I'm trying to figure out what that even means before I unlock access to it. Stay tuned.
Update #5: Also per requests: Last and definitely not least, the STORIES SECTION is up! Please click here for more info on that.
Side note: If anyone knows of a php expert out there please PM me because if I knew the right person, a lot of these things that I'm saying "probably can't be done" will become much more likely. And I am willing to spend within my budget for this.
Shout outs
While I was working on the site today, I was thrilled to find that there are already 450 pictures in the Gallery even though we have only been up for 3-4 days! This is a great pace that I hope we can maintain but it's not happening without your help. And knowing that I have personally only uploaded about 10 pictures there, that means this was made possible by new members and I appreciate this help beyond words.
So I'd like to close this update by saying THANKS FOR YOUR HELP TO:
bigbellyeater40 - 100 images uploaded
Junglebob - 90 images uploaded
Morgans1991 - 89 images uploaded
sexypreggoluvr - 61 images uploaded
cabav299 - 28 images uploaded
shadowhand_2 - 21 images uploaded
And if I left anyone out there I sincerely apologize shoot me a pm and set me straight please