I'd like to point out a couple issues that are currently being worked on and I am aware of them.
1. As far as the Video uploads, the maximum file size allowed is 200mb. But there seems to be a problem with SOME non-FLV uploads and for whatever reason, some of them simply are not uploading. For example, I might upload one MP4 with no problems, but the next one will not accept, and I have been unable to single out the difference between a non-FLV that works and one that does not. This is something that I might hire a freelancer to look at, and in the very worst case, I might have to support only FLV video formats (exactly like pregnantcommunity.org). This is a top priority right now.
2. I took restrictions off of image attachments in message board posts so that larger and higher resolution images could be shared, but I would like to optimize the way they appear in the threads. Keep in mind, even in the current state, if you simply click any image within a message board post it will display the image in its full size. So I guess this is not necessarily a problem but it is still a high priority for me in terms of optimization.
3. Another known issue is the inability to leave comments on videos. Before I officially launched the site, there was a conflict between the video gallery mod and the forum theme that I was using which caused the comment field to appear above everything else. The feature is there, so it's another job for a freelancer that I'll probably get involved in the next month and video comments will be enabled at that time.
Thanks for reading and I hope you guys are enjoying the site in its early stages...