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Unknown Pregnancy

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Unknown Pregnancy

Postby Ninavolt2010 » Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:11 pm

From Impregnators + Preggos on Tumblr!

Unknown Pregnancy

Jen was 25 when she married John, he was 27. They had a traditional Catholic wedding at Jen’s request with all of their families in attendance. They knew they would be happy together as long as the lived. They both worked hard at their jobs and loved all the time they had with one another. Early on in their relationship they both agreed to wait for children if that was something they ever wanted.

Three years into their marriage Jen and John talked about the idea of kids to see if either had changed their mind.

“Definitely not now,” Jen firmly said. “I just love our freedom and I feel like it will tether us down.”

“Yeah, yeah me too,” John followed up. But John was not telling the truth and Jen didn’t think to question his reply as it was what she wanted to hear.

John didn’t have the heart to tell Jen that he did want kids for fear of being at odds with her about something so serious. He could tell Jen didn’t give it another thought after their conversation. Months went by as the desire grew for John. It was too late though, he regretted not saying anything earlier to his beautiful wife and now the time had passed. It came to a head when Jen approached him after work with what she called “great news”.

“So there’s this new pill on the market and you don’t get your period at all anymore. No PMS, no period, just easy living,” Jen preached. She was so happy to not have to deal with her monthly troubles.

“That’s great,” John feigned, but again Jen was too happy to notice his true feelings.

She made an appointment to see her doctor for the new pills and he said that she was a good candidate for them. She began taking them the next day. John was devastated at the reminder of no children.

A few weeks on her new pills and John asked, “So how are they treating you?”

“Good, I can’t tell any difference except for no periods. I should have had one last week but it wasn’t there!” Jen said excitedly.

“Well how do you know if they are working or if you’re pregnant?” John inquired.

“The hormones in the pills wouldn’t allow a baby to grow, so even if I miraculously got pregnant, the pills I would take on all the subsequent days would inhibit the pregnancy,” she explained. “Don’t worry, the doctor explained it all…I CAN’T get pregnant.”

Only John wasn’t worried she would get pregnant, he was worried she never would. After their talk, John started thinking about what he asked. How would you know if the pills really were working? What if they were just placebos? It wouldn’t be until you could see your stomach balloon with child that you would suspect that something was wrong. All of these questions and his curiosity caused John to investigate Jen’s pills after she fell asleep that night.

He went up to the nightstand and grabbed her pharmacy bag and went to the front room where he could turn the light on without waking Jen. In the bag there was a regular looking birth control disk that had 28 slots in it with the days of the week repeated around it. There was also a large bottle of pills that matched the ones in the disk. All the pills were identical in size and color. It seemed that when the 28 days was up you would just refill the dispenser from the ones in the bottle. He opened the bottle to get a better look at a pill up close and it instantly reminded him of something.

When John was a young boy his mother would give him sugar pills telling him that they were medicine when she thought he was pretending to be sick. Later, after John grew up, she divulged her little secret to him and explained why the pills she gave him always looked the same. He could never forget those pills he had taken as a child, they looked exactly like the ones he was holding right now.

John was raised rather unreligiously while Jen came from a church-going family. She wasn’t as rigid as her parents but some tenets stuck with her. She had no problems with contraception, obviously, but abortion was out of the question. She never drank or did anything crazy. John knew this about her and that is why he knew his plan would work.

The next day after work John stopped by the drugstore on his way home and got a few bottles of the placebo pills and hid them in his closet where Jen wouldn’t find them. He calculated when she would be two weeks out from ovulating and wanted to make the switch the night before she would start taking the fake pills. Again, she went to sleep before him that night. John took all of his supplies to the kitchen and carefully switched out all of Jen’s pills with the identical placebo pills, filling her bottle and disk and keeping her real pills to discard them in the trash at work.

Jen had a regular 28 day cycle that you could set your watch to and John was fully aware of it. He only had one chance to get her pregnant because if she got her period the whole scheme would be blown. With a little research, John found out what the best days to have sex with Jen were and made sure her uterus was coated with semen for all of them. He pumped load after load into her until by the fourth day, the day after she should have ovulated, she made him stop out of soreness. His job was done, he just had to wait.

It was a fourteen day countdown. Jen would either be pregnant and not know anything was happening or she would get her period and John would have hell to pay. He tried not to think of the consequences but he got more paranoid with each day that passed.

It was the end, the fourteenth day was upon them.

“Morning, honey, how are you?” John nervously asked.

“Fine, gonna hop in the shower,” Jen pleasantly stated.

John was only slightly relieved for there was the whole day ahead of them. A whole day for Jen to get her period. John fiendishly kept checking his phone every hour to see if she had texted him to complain about her period returning. Nothing.

“How was your day,” John asked as he walked in the front door.

“Great, just a lot of busy work and….” Jen trailed off.

John stopped listening when Jen didn’t mention her period returning. He was glad to have made it through the day. He knew there could be a chance of it happening tomorrow, but with today behind him, he knew his odds would only get better. Day after day, John calmed more and more until too many days had passed for Jen not to be pregnant. Weeks turned into months. John was in the clear.

“Uuggghh,” Jen let out standing in front of the mirror.

“What’s wrong, honey?” John asked.

“I think these birth control pills are making me gain weight. I never had a problem with them before but I’ve gained five pounds that I just can’t get off. I’ve been eating so healthy,” Jen complained.

“Well, keep up the good diet and maybe some light exercise. It’s just five pounds,” John tried to reassure her.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Jen said begrudgingly.

Another month passed and Jen did not stop growing. She didn’t know it but she was in her fourth month of pregnancy.

“I can’t lose this weight, and my will power is gone. I can’t stop eating!” Jen confided in John.

“I think the weight looks good on you,” John said.

“You’re just saying that ‘cause my boobs are bigger! What about this tummy?” Jen said as she grabbed her stomach and squished it together.

“It’s not so bad,” he said, but John knew she would not stop growing for almost another five months.

Jen called her doctor to ask about the weight gain and he said that some women do experience weight fluctuations while taking these birth control pills and that sometimes it takes a number of months before your body regulates. John was thrilled to hear this news.

Jen dismissed her weight gaining for another month. She had gained twelve pounds since John switched her pills. Jen was a rather small woman, so twelve pounds was a lot for her five foot tall frame. She wasn’t the type to always focus on her body but she noticed her face was a little thickened, and her breasts were falling out of her bras. Now well into her fifth month of pregnancy, Jen examined her body more so than any time before. She undressed completely and started tugging and turning in the mirror. She cupped her boobs which by now had become enlarged and sore. Her thighs were definitely bigger and closer together than she remembered. Her tummy was bigger too but not like the rest of her body. Everywhere else that was bloated showed cellulite, but her stomach was tight and smooth, not looking at all like fat.

Jen was discouraged by her new look and booked an appointment to see her doctor about the birth control pills. She was able to get in a week later. Now nearing six months pregnant, Jen hopped up onto the table in the doctor’s office, and leaned forward onto her legs as she waited for him to enter.

The doctor came in staring at Jen’s chart before looking at her on the table. He said, “So you’re here because of your birth control?”

“Yeah, it’s…,” but Jen was cut off by the doctor.

“You’re pregnant! Why are you on birth control?” he exclaimed.

“Pregnant!” she shouted back. She turned to her side and glared at the mirror on the wall and saw the round bulge expanding off her body. “Pregnant?!” she said again.

She had never thought to attribute her weight gain to pregnancy so she never considered the obvious fact that she was indeed pregnant. As soon as she thought about it everything made sense. She saw her bulbous belly and her engorged breasts, her skin was glowing, her thighs were building up to support her soon to be heavy load, the swelling, the soreness, her appetite, everything; how could she have not added it all together.

“Are you still taking the birth control pills?” the doctor asked.

“Everyday,” she replied.
“Well, you must stop immediately if you want to have this baby. It’s amazing that they haven’t caused you any problems yet as far as I can tell. We need to run some tests,” he demanded.

“Ok,” Jen said quietly, she was shocked.

The doctor took her blood and sent it to the lab and then called for a sonogram technician.

“Now lay back and roll your shirt up. This gel will be a little cold, so bear with me,” the technician said.

“Can you see anything?” she asked.

“The heartbeat is strong and it looks like you’re around six months pregnant,” she said moving the wand across Jen’s slippery stomach.

“Six months! I’m six months along!” Jen couldn’t believe it, she felt so stupid. She kept trying to think of anything she might have done in the past months that could have harmed her baby. Nothing came to mind but she was still shaken.

Jen drove home sobbing to tell John the news. He pretended to be surprised and asked her how it could have happened but mainly he just comforted her. He was so happy that he was going to be a father. Jen was heartbroken.

Even though Jen didn’t want the pregnancy, she knew it wouldn’t be the end of the world. She could place it up for adoption if they wanted, so nothing was final, and Jen didn’t mind eating for two in the meantime. She also felt so much better about her weight gain, now having a reason for it. However, over the three months after she found out, Jen’s burgeoning belly took over her small body as her unwanted child grew large. She became depressed and angry for having to carry this burden around in her. Jen’s mind was telling her she didn’t want to have a baby while her body pumped her full of hormones that fattened her up in preparation for birth and convinced her that she needed this.

Jen was nine months pregnant now. Her belly expanded so much she could hardly walk. She could no longer see her feet and her heavy breasts used the top of her protruding belly as a shelf. She leaned back to walk around, trying to reposition her center of gravity, only further accentuating her hugely pregnant stomach as she stuck it out. In her gravid state, Jen was prone to hot flashes, so she opted to wear old tank tops and leggings. Her tops would only reach down to her popped out belly button, leaving a huge naked bulge exposed to hang below her waistband. Her body had been producing enough milk in her mammeries to cause them to overflow into her bra regularly. Her breasts were at capacity and looked like two smaller impregnated bellies sitting atop her very impregnated womb. Her body was preparing itself for motherhood as everything swelled.

John had left for work a half hour before Jen got up, as usual. She rolled her legs off the bed and slowly righted herself. Everything being uncomfortable on her tight skin, Jen took to sleeping naked for the last couple of weeks, so when she got up she put her robe on. Her stomach was so enlarged her robe would not fully close so she didn’t even bother with it, leaving her belly sticking out a foot and a half in front of her. Her firm, puffy nipples pointed straight out and caught her robe’s vertical hem from completely parting around her wide mound.

“Hhhuuuuuhhhhh,” she let out as she felt her baby reposition while walking into the bathroom. She placed her hand on the toilet tank and slowly turned herself around and lowered her butt onto the toilet seat. When she put her full weight down on the seat her legs were forced wide apart as her stomach wedged into the toilet.

“Ahhhhh,” she moaned as she felt herself get caught. She breathed in and hugged under her load to bring it up and rested it on the seat between her legs. “Aaaaah, that’s better,” she sighed.

She stroked the front of her belly in a circular motion while emptying her bladder as if her body required it to perform the act. She pulled off some toilet paper, wadded it in her hand, and attempted to gain access to her wet pussy lips. She leaned her back against the tank and with her right hand alone, strained to pick up her abdomen.

"Hhhmmmfff," Jen let out. Her stomach was too heavy to raise.

She tried flexing her stomach as she brought her knees up so her thighs could bear some of the load. She quickly fished her hand through the small opening between her legs, gave a cursory wipe of her labia and dropped the paper in the toilet before her giant boulder of a stomach blocked the passage again. Her opened hand got pinched between the underside of her tummy and her thigh while trying to exit. She instinctually tugged at her hand but her stomach’s mass was too great. She tensed her gravid womb again and leaned back enough to free her hand when she got the urge to poop. It cramped her horribly and she squirmed in discomfort as she tried to push it out.

Jen’s face turned red from her efforts and as soon as she heard something splash the toilet water, her pelvis seemed to fill up again. She definitely didn’t feel anything come out so she sat up off the toilet seat to see what had happened. Once on her feet, Jen could feel a liquid run down her inner legs. Unable to see her groin, she probed around with her hands and felt a last little gush pour out from her vagina into her hands. Jen brought her hand up to her nose and sniffed it.

"Hmmm," she grunted in wonderment. It was clear and odorless. "Oohhh…," it quickly registered with Jen that it was amniotic fluid, "my water…I’m gonna have this baby today," she said in a panicked voice.

Jen’s once giant, round, perky belly was sitting much lower on her as her baby’s head dropped onto her cervix, causing her to be even more immobile than before. Jen shuffled her feet across the bathroom floor into the bedroom. She sat down by her nightstand and picked up the phone to call John. She first tried his cell phone but there was no answer, then she tried his office.

“Umm hello, is John in yet?” she asked John secretary.

“No, not yet. Can I take a message?” the secretary replied.

“Yes, this is his wife and I’m having a baby,” she stated.

“Oh, well I will be sure to let him know when I see him,” she said.

Jen knew that John usually had his phone in his briefcase while driving to work and that he should be arriving there any minute, so with the return drive, he wouldn’t be longer than 40 minutes. She thought she surely wouldn’t be in much pain for at least a couple hours.

Jen stood up carefully off the bed and even though she knew she was starting labor she was still hungry and slowly made her way toward the kitchen. With each step Jen could feel the head bouncing on her cervix causing a tremendous pressure. She had gather her tummy and hike it up to her breasts just to be able to walk without pain. She put some bread in the toaster and decided to stand for not wanting to deal with the hassle of trying to get back up if she sat down.

“Hhhhhfffffff,” Jen gritted her teeth as the noise escaped her. Her left hand grabbed a cabinet handle while her right hand wrapped around her stiff belly. Her head lowered to the height of the kitchen counter and her knees bent out to the side to make room for her abundant mound to swing down. As she brought her head down, she could see her three swollen orbs grow as gravity pulled them toward the floor. Her enlarged belly was very tight and her belly button was sticking out more than she had ever seen. Jen was stuck in this position for 30 seconds until the pain stopped and her uterus relaxed. This was her first contraction.

“Hhhuuuuu….hhhhuuuuu….hhhhuuuuu,” she let out with each exhale. Jen massaged her aching belly vigorously as if to stop another contraction from happening again. She closed her eyes and put her head back while in a wide stance, taking slow, deep breaths. Once calm, Jen took the cordless phone and waddled to the front room, still rubbing her stomach, now a bit more slowly.

She approached the big recliner by the TV and plunked herself down onto it with force. She pulled the lever on the side of the chair and reclined it all the way back. Her enormously bulging stomach went from covering most of her lap to jiggling up her hips and then finally resting where it had regularly been positioned before her baby had dropped. Close to horizontal, Jen’s baby weighed down on her organs, a feeling surprisingly more pleasing than when upright. Her brimming breasts slumped around to her ribs.

“Riiiinnngg” the phone went off.

“Honey?” John said.

“Oh John, thank god,” Jen screamed.

“Marge just told me you were going into labor, I’m coming right back home,” he blurted out.

“I’ve had one contraction, but I think I’ll be ok until you get here,” she replied.

“Ok, I’m on my way,” and with that Jen hung up the phone.

Jen closed her eyes and again started caressing her unborn child’s round home. She started to cry as she thought about childbirth and what she was going to have to go through and how she didn’t want to be in this situation. She felt enslaved by nature. Jen sensed a tension build in her pelvis that quickly turned into a burn. Her hips started throbbing as the burn got deeper and deeper in her. Wanting to ease the cramp and without much freedom in the recliner, she grabbed under her legs and lifted them over the arms of the chair, letting her shins dangle off the side. Jen, with her vulva now fully exposed from the readjustment, returned to polishing her swell. Her robe was more of an under blanket with sleeves than a robe at this point.

She tensed, and with her hands already on her skin, she gripped into her flesh as a contraction hit her hard.

“Hhhmmmmffffff,” only a sliver of air could slip through her throat as she dealt with the pain. “Hhhuuuuuu….hmmmmmffff,” she keep repeating as she needed air. Jen thought she would pass out from the pain, a lack of oxygen or a combination of the two. “HHHHHAAAaaaaaa!!!” she finished with as she opened her eyes and tried to let her body recover.

Time came to a screeching halt when she looked at the phone to see when she called John and found it had only been five minutes. Tears fell down her cheek again.

“This is happening too fast,” she thought to herself. The pressure was building still in her hips. Jen tried to made room for the head plunging into her cervix by leaning forward and putting her hands on her knees. With all her might, she tugged her arms back while holding onto her knees. Her thighs dragged back another six inches across the arms of the chair as she opened herself up wider. When she reached the end of her range of motion, Jen let go of her knees and her legs just stayed up without her help.

“Hhhhuuuuuu,” Jen exhaled from the difficult task as she put her head down.

Now in a laying down squat, Jen’s feet were planted on top of the arms of the chair as her knees pointed straight up. She looked as she would if she were giving birth in a hospital, only the stirrups were missing. She appreciated the extra room inside her pelvis even if her outside was a little contorted. Unlike her mind, Jen’s body understood the pose she was in to be ideal for birthing so when the next contraction hit, a signal went down her spine and directed her to push, she couldn’t help the urge.

“Ohhhh not anoth…..,” she was cut off by the pain.

With her legs already halfway up, she lifted her feet off the chair, pulled her thighs around her huge mound and began bearing down all that she could. Her chin dug into her chest as she held her breath in. She kept pushing through the contraction. She desperately wanted this child out of her. Jen continued in this manner for another couple contractions until she noticed that her legs were not coming to rest in the same position they once had. As her body flowered, her legs were being forced wider, inch by inch, until only her tippy toes could touch the arm of the recliner.

Another contraction hit her and as she started to push she could feel a mass unlike anything else begin to fill her birth canal.

“Aaaaawwwwwooooohhhhhhh,” she howled as she felt like she was going to be ripped open from the inside out. “Heee heee hoooo….heee heeee hooo,” she panted. “I can’t…take this…too big…it’s too big…it burns…too much,” she cried as the head lodged into her canal.

Her body, unwilling to relent, forced Jen to push harder and harder with each contraction against her will. Nearing the end of a contraction, Jen felt a great shift as she could feel her vagina crowd with what had to be the head.

“Ppppaaaaahhhhh,” she breathed out as she stopped pushing. Wanting to know anything, she tried a few different routes to reach her sore pussy until she found the best reach around the side. Using her neatly trimmed pubic bush as a guide, Jen fingered down until she felt a significant bulge. Starting at her clitoris, it expended out every centimeter she drew her finger down, further extending beyond her reach. She ran her finger back up the middle of her slit and could tell her labia were still touching, as well as being puffy and tender.

Just then the front door slammed open and John rushed in to her side.

“Are you ok, honey?” he asked in a concerned tone.

Hardly able to speak, Jen panted, “Yeah, labor is progressing, can’t move.”

“Oh honey, we are going to have a baby. I’ve been waiting nine months for this,” and as soon as John said it he knew he shouldn’t have.

“Nine months?…only found out three months ago,” Jen stared at him wide eyed.
“Oh, yeah, that’s what I meant,” he corrected himself.

“You’re acting funny…why?” she struggle to get out.

Unable to lie to his wife anymore, John admitted, “Well, I switched your birth control pills…I knew you were pregnant the whole time. I wanted to get you pregnant. I wanted to impregnate you. I wanted to watch your belly grow huge with child. I wanted to watch your breasts fill with milk. I wanted to watch you give birth. I love you…”

“You did this? No, I can’t, I don’t want it. Please…how…how could you?” she cried.

“Ssshhh, honey, you need to give birth to our child now. We will talk after. And by the looks of it we can talk soon,” John said as he peered between her legs and saw his soon to be born child’s head pushing out of his wife’s birth canal.

He then saw her belly tighten as she went for her legs. “Push, push now,” he instructed. John walked behind Jen and reached over her. She was already pulling her legs when John grabbed onto them as well and forced them back even further. As much as Jen was confused and upset with John, she couldn’t deny that he was helping her through the contraction.

“Oooohhhh gggooddddd… burns,” Jen yelled.

John peaked over her and looked down past her heaving womb. “You are stretching nicely, now keep pushing,” he said calmly.

Jen could feel her labia creep open wider with each second that passed. She stopped pushing as her contraction tapered off and she felt the head retreat back into her.

“Hhhuuuuu…..nooo….come out….come out!” Jen pleaded, not wanting this to take any longer than it had to.

“I think I will come up front now,” John declared. “I want to see this a little better,” he added.

“Nooo…haaa….heeee….I need….your help…heee…heee,” Jen panted.

“I think it would be better for you to do it on your own. It will be more rewarding for you. Plus I’ll be right here,” John said in a monotone voice.

“No…too big…can’t push…heee….heee,” said Jen.

Unbeknownst to both of them, Jen was almost right. The baby’s head was really pushing the limits of what Jen’s body could pass through her birth canal. It was the biggest baby someone of her size could deliver vaginally; any bigger and she would have needed a c-section.
“Yes you can, women’s bodies are quite amazing, they can do a lot. Now breath slow and when the next contraction comes, do what women do best and try to push this baby out,” he said.

Jen was starting to not even recognize the man she married. He was acting like a psychopath. He was sadistic.

“Why are you…heeee….heeee…doing this…heee…to me…,” she cried, but before he could answer, she was crippled with pain.

John pushed the bottom of her feet to help Jen grab her legs as she obliged her body’s need to push. John watched as her labia opened again, slowly at first, with the first push of her contraction. Jen quickly breathed out and back in and resumed her labor.

“Good, good, honey,” John coached. “You’re opening up. I can see the head. You’re crowning beautifully. Three inches. C’mon, keep going. Three and a half, push harder. You can do it…four!”

Jen could feel her vulva tighten with each push. It burned more and more as the baby inched out of her, but she had nothing left to give for this contraction. She quit and untensed herself as the head slid back in. She started feeling around again and the felt gooey hair of her child’s head poking out. Her whole vulva was too tender to touch so she stopped probing and just wiped her brow.

“You’re doing great, honey, but let’s try a little harder next time,” John stated.

Jen couldn’t talk at all now. She had nothing to say anyway. She just panted in silence waiting for the next contraction. When it came, it came strong. It caused her to lean far forward, wrapping herself around her gigantic belly, as her legs and torso approached each other.

“You’re almost at 4 and a half inches. Your labia are rounded out completely. Looks like you have at least another half inch or so,” said John. “The girth of this head is amazing. Five inches! There’s more…keep going, honey, keep going. PUSH!! It’s starting to finish,” he added.

“FUCK YOU!!…..FUUUCCCKKKK,” Jen screamed loudly.

“Keep pushing! Almost there. Almost six inches across! You’re still stretching. This seems impossible!!” John proclaimed as he saw her vagina pull paper tight, swelling out immensely from the head behind it. And with that, the head shot out from eyes to neck in a split second.

“Hhhhhaaaaaaa,” Jen let out in relief. “My god,” she said trembling. The effort made her overly filled breasts erupt with milk from her nipples, showering her laboring belly with a white mist. They continued to leak nonstop for the rest of the birth.

“The head is completely out, you did it,” John said.

Again, Jen felt down to her crotch and stroked the head of her baby now sticking out of her. She felt the blood return to the whole of her vulva and welcomed the feeling of her relaxed labia around her baby’s neck. With her hand still on her baby’s, she could feel it begin to rotate as it’s shoulders forced open her birth canal.

“Hhhhoooouuuuuhhhhhhh,” she winced. Each movement caused her breasts to flow more milk until it ran down her ribs, soaking her robe below.

This time she grabbed her belly and push down with her hands while her legs were still up in the air supporting themselves. She pushed and pushed, feeling the body squeeze through her vagina. And with one final push, the baby shot the rest of the way out of her onto the recliner. She fell back in exhaustion, now finally able to bring her legs fully down.

“Why…why did you do this?” she was barely able to say.

“I married you so you could make babies. And now you’re done with the first one!” John said.

“I want a divorce,” Jen moaned before passing out.
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